CBD Benefits

Chronic pain comes in many varieties and affects each sufferer differently. Regardless of the source of pain, however, those who must deal with it on a daily basis face challenges that the average individual cannot understand.Because pain sources can be difficult to identify and finding effective treatments can be a challenge, many suffer in silence, forced to modify or completely avoid certain activities.Those who suffer are not alone. In fact, recent estimates suggest that at least 11 percent of the general population suffers from chronic pain that impacts their daily lives. (1)In many cases, this pain is caused by, accompanied by, or worsened by inflammation. When inflammation is present, pain can become much worse thanks to biochemical reactions that this inflammation causes.For both sufferers of chronic pain and chronic inflammation, CBD has known to reduce symptoms and provide relief, without the negative effects of standard over the counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications, narcotics, opioids, and other traditional treatments.
The negative effects of traditional pain medication include:• Liver Damage• Cardiovascular Damage• Addiction• Withdrawal• …and more.Cannabis, on the other hand, has been known to reduce pain – and has been used to do so for thousands of years. Recent studies, most notably those published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, have demonstrated the link between CBD and pain/inflammation reduction. (2) While some sufferers of chronic pain resort to traditional marijuana use, it may not be necessary. Because of how CBD interacts with the body, it may be just as effective.Specifically, CBD helps suppress pain by targeting a3 glycine receptors, which are found in the spinal cord and brain, controlling the way we react to pain. By interacting with these receptors, the sensation of pain is reduced, similarly to how traditional pain management medications act, without the traditional side effects and negatives. (3)
Chronic pain comes in many varieties and affects each sufferer differently. Regardless of the source of pain, however, those who must deal with it on a daily basis face challenges that the average individual cannot understand.Because pain sources can be difficult to identify and finding effective treatments can be a challenge, many suffer in silence, forced to modify or completely avoid certain activities.Those who suffer are not alone. In fact, recent estimates suggest that at least 11 percent of the general population suffers from chronic pain that impacts their daily lives. (1)In many cases, this pain is caused by, accompanied by, or worsened by inflammation. When inflammation is present, pain can become much worse thanks to biochemical reactions that this inflammation causes.For both sufferers of chronic pain and chronic inflammation, CBD has known to reduce symptoms and provide relief, without the negative effects of standard over the counter pain relievers, anti-inflammatory medications, narcotics, opioids, and other traditional treatments.
The negative effects of traditional pain medication include:• Liver Damage• Cardiovascular Damage• Addiction• Withdrawal• …and more.Cannabis, on the other hand, has been known to reduce pain – and has been used to do so for thousands of years. Recent studies, most notably those published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine, have demonstrated the link between CBD and pain/inflammation reduction. (2) While some sufferers of chronic pain resort to traditional marijuana use, it may not be necessary. Because of how CBD interacts with the body, it may be just as effective.Specifically, CBD helps suppress pain by targeting a3 glycine receptors, which are found in the spinal cord and brain, controlling the way we react to pain. By interacting with these receptors, the sensation of pain is reduced, similarly to how traditional pain management medications act, without the traditional side effects and negatives. (3)

According to the CDC, 38.7 million adults in this country are currently tobacco smokers, that’s over 15 percent of the population, for reference’s sake. (4)It’s a deadly habit, but most of us – smokers included – already know thatWhat we might not realize, is just how deadly it is.Smoking is considered the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for about 1 in 5 adult deaths each year.Many smokers have begun to realize this. In fact, 70 percent have a desire to quit, or have attempted to quit and have failed. Nicotine and the other ingredients in standard, everyday cigarettes are simply that addictive. (5)While many have attempted to quit using medications, counseling, or even e-cigarettes (which some consider an alternative that might not be as healthy as we’d like to believe), a natural option may be available that’s, perhaps, even more effective than any of these methods.You guessed it.Smoking cessation may be one of the many benefits of CBD oil.As revealed by the results of a study published by the Addiction Journal and performed by University College London, smokers wishing to quit and treated with one 800mg dose of CBD, saw 40 percent more success in the first week of their attempt when using CBD products, than those treated with a placebo. Those treated with even a low dose of CBD claimed fewer intrusive thoughts, enabling them to go about their daily lives without the need for a cigarette, unlike those who were not given the cannabinoid. (6)Why?We don’t know for sure. However, nicotine addiction seems to be tied to the endocannabinoid system, which, CBD interacts with and helps regulate. When this system is balanced, traditional addiction cues may become less severe, leading to higher success rates with lower levels of reported discomfort.These positive effects of CBD are promising news for the majority of aforementioned smokers who want to quit the habit.
According to the CDC, 38.7 million adults in this country are currently tobacco smokers, that’s over 15 percent of the population, for reference’s sake. (4)It’s a deadly habit, but most of us – smokers included – already know thatWhat we might not realize, is just how deadly it is.Smoking is considered the leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for about 1 in 5 adult deaths each year.Many smokers have begun to realize this. In fact, 70 percent have a desire to quit, or have attempted to quit and have failed. Nicotine and the other ingredients in standard, everyday cigarettes are simply that addictive. (5)While many have attempted to quit using medications, counseling, or even e-cigarettes (which some consider an alternative that might not be as healthy as we’d like to believe), a natural option may be available that’s, perhaps, even more effective than any of these methods.You guessed it.Smoking cessation may be one of the many benefits of CBD oil.As revealed by the results of a study published by the Addiction Journal and performed by University College London, smokers wishing to quit and treated with one 800mg dose of CBD, saw 40 percent more success in the first week of their attempt when using CBD products, than those treated with a placebo. Those treated with even a low dose of CBD claimed fewer intrusive thoughts, enabling them to go about their daily lives without the need for a cigarette, unlike those who were not given the cannabinoid. (6)Why?We don’t know for sure. However, nicotine addiction seems to be tied to the endocannabinoid system, which, CBD interacts with and helps regulate. When this system is balanced, traditional addiction cues may become less severe, leading to higher success rates with lower levels of reported discomfort.These positive effects of CBD are promising news for the majority of aforementioned smokers who want to quit the habit.

Currently, studies around the country are ongoing to identify the way CBD can be used to treat epilepsy.Why?Because it’s already shown promising signs. Beyond that, just this year the FDA approved the first-ever CBD-based drug, Epidiolex, now available to treat rare and severe forms of epilepsy. (7)In many states where the legal status of medical marijuana, and even CBD, is in question, treating epilepsy is often the exception.While CBD and marijuana have been used for centuries for many remedies, the role CBD can play in lessening the severity and number of seizures in those diagnosed with epilepsy came into the spotlight in the early 2000’s. That’s when the Figi family began looking for a way to treat their daughter Charlotte’s seizures. At the time, she was suffering upwards of 300 seizures per week. (8)After obtaining cannabis plants at a high cost, and extracting the oil by hand, they saw a major reduction in the number of seizures their daughter experienced. It was life-changing, leading to a series of legislative battles to change the status of medical marijuana and CBD products across the country.Recent studies – in addition to new medication options that include CBD – have also shown promising results in various forms of epilepsy, including Dravet Syndrome. In summary findings published by the U.S. National Library of medicine, multiple small clinical trials have shown that CBD is able to reduce the number of seizures and severity of seizures for those that experience specific forms of epilepsy on a regular basis. (9)Perhaps just as exciting, studies have often shown that CBD has neuroprotective properties, allowing the brain to be better protected when seizures do occur.
Currently, studies around the country are ongoing to identify the way CBD can be used to treat epilepsy.Why?Because it’s already shown promising signs. Beyond that, just this year the FDA approved the first-ever CBD-based drug, Epidiolex, now available to treat rare and severe forms of epilepsy. (7)In many states where the legal status of medical marijuana, and even CBD, is in question, treating epilepsy is often the exception.While CBD and marijuana have been used for centuries for many remedies, the role CBD can play in lessening the severity and number of seizures in those diagnosed with epilepsy came into the spotlight in the early 2000’s. That’s when the Figi family began looking for a way to treat their daughter Charlotte’s seizures. At the time, she was suffering upwards of 300 seizures per week. (8)After obtaining cannabis plants at a high cost, and extracting the oil by hand, they saw a major reduction in the number of seizures their daughter experienced. It was life-changing, leading to a series of legislative battles to change the status of medical marijuana and CBD products across the country.Recent studies – in addition to new medication options that include CBD – have also shown promising results in various forms of epilepsy, including Dravet Syndrome. In summary findings published by the U.S. National Library of medicine, multiple small clinical trials have shown that CBD is able to reduce the number of seizures and severity of seizures for those that experience specific forms of epilepsy on a regular basis. (9)Perhaps just as exciting, studies have often shown that CBD has neuroprotective properties, allowing the brain to be better protected when seizures do occur.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., affecting 18.1 percent of the adult population across the country.Anxiety doesn’t come in a single shape or form. Officially diagnosed conditions that fall under the realm of “anxiety” include:• Generalized Anxiety Disorder• Panic Disorder• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder• Social Anxiety Disorder• Phobias• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder• And othersIn addition to a standalone disorder, anxiety often accompanies other medical conditions making diagnosis a challenge at best.Those who understand the way anxiety can be debilitating – affecting daily functioning and activities and making simple tasks seem impossible – also probably understand the fact that finding a treatment that helps can be a significant challenge.Most traditional treatments come with side effects that – in many cases – seem worse (or just as terrible) as the anxiety itself. These side effects range from mood altering effects like depression, to weight gain or loss, to dependence (the need for higher doses to achieve the same effect and avoid withdrawal symptoms)… the side effects are often a deterrent. Only around 36.9 percent of anxiety sufferers receive treatment for their condition.Once again, as with many other disorders, CBD may be a natural option to combat the side effects of traditional anxiety and mental health conditions while providing noticeable relief.Why?At the most basic level, CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and is widely believed to directly impact the brain’s CB1 receptors – the same receptors that certain anxiety medications interact with – lessening the effects of anxiety and related conditions. This allows sufferers to live more normal lives, free from the constraints of anxiety. That’s just the tip of the iceberg… the positive effects of CBD for anxiety are incredible!
Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses in the U.S., affecting 18.1 percent of the adult population across the country.Anxiety doesn’t come in a single shape or form. Officially diagnosed conditions that fall under the realm of “anxiety” include:• Generalized Anxiety Disorder• Panic Disorder• Post Traumatic Stress Disorder• Social Anxiety Disorder• Phobias• Obsessive Compulsive Disorder• And othersIn addition to a standalone disorder, anxiety often accompanies other medical conditions making diagnosis a challenge at best.Those who understand the way anxiety can be debilitating – affecting daily functioning and activities and making simple tasks seem impossible – also probably understand the fact that finding a treatment that helps can be a significant challenge.Most traditional treatments come with side effects that – in many cases – seem worse (or just as terrible) as the anxiety itself. These side effects range from mood altering effects like depression, to weight gain or loss, to dependence (the need for higher doses to achieve the same effect and avoid withdrawal symptoms)… the side effects are often a deterrent. Only around 36.9 percent of anxiety sufferers receive treatment for their condition.Once again, as with many other disorders, CBD may be a natural option to combat the side effects of traditional anxiety and mental health conditions while providing noticeable relief.Why?At the most basic level, CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and is widely believed to directly impact the brain’s CB1 receptors – the same receptors that certain anxiety medications interact with – lessening the effects of anxiety and related conditions. This allows sufferers to live more normal lives, free from the constraints of anxiety. That’s just the tip of the iceberg… the positive effects of CBD for anxiety are incredible!

Cancer.The word all by itself is terrifying, perhaps because of how prevalent it’s become in our world – who doesn’t know someone who has (or has had) cancer? Maybe because there are so many unknowns – what if we’re next? Maybe because potential treatments seem so harsh, and the negative effects are so easy to see when someone is fighting the disease.One thing is for sure, however: we can all agree that the need for a cure is more urgent today than it has ever been before.According to the National Cancer Institute, over 38 percent of people will be diagnosed with one type of cancer or another at some point in their lives. While standard treatments – like medication, chemotherapy, radiation and various surgeries – have come a long way, there may be natural options to further the effectiveness of these drugs, or to provide an entire set of other benefits. (10)One of these might just be CBD.Before you roll your eyes, or write CBD off as another “hippie” remedy, check out the facts.While CBD is often used to increase appetites, decrease nausea and decrease pain experienced by cancer patients, the true benefits of the compound may be further reaching.In fact, recent studies have demonstrated that CBD may enable “antiproliferative, pro-apoptotic effects” that:• decreases the ability of cancer cells to grow.• decreases the ability of cancer cells to attach to various structures or “adhere.”• prevent cancer cell migration to other parts of the body and organs.• shrink tumors, and more.With these potential health benefits, along with CBD’s proven interactions with the body’s endocannabinoid system to enable a sense of balance throughout various body systems, CBD may be an integral part of traditional cancer treatments in the very near future. (11)
Cancer.The word all by itself is terrifying, perhaps because of how prevalent it’s become in our world – who doesn’t know someone who has (or has had) cancer? Maybe because there are so many unknowns – what if we’re next? Maybe because potential treatments seem so harsh, and the negative effects are so easy to see when someone is fighting the disease.One thing is for sure, however: we can all agree that the need for a cure is more urgent today than it has ever been before.According to the National Cancer Institute, over 38 percent of people will be diagnosed with one type of cancer or another at some point in their lives. While standard treatments – like medication, chemotherapy, radiation and various surgeries – have come a long way, there may be natural options to further the effectiveness of these drugs, or to provide an entire set of other benefits. (10)One of these might just be CBD.Before you roll your eyes, or write CBD off as another “hippie” remedy, check out the facts.While CBD is often used to increase appetites, decrease nausea and decrease pain experienced by cancer patients, the true benefits of the compound may be further reaching.In fact, recent studies have demonstrated that CBD may enable “antiproliferative, pro-apoptotic effects” that:• decreases the ability of cancer cells to grow.• decreases the ability of cancer cells to attach to various structures or “adhere.”• prevent cancer cell migration to other parts of the body and organs.• shrink tumors, and more.With these potential health benefits, along with CBD’s proven interactions with the body’s endocannabinoid system to enable a sense of balance throughout various body systems, CBD may be an integral part of traditional cancer treatments in the very near future. (11)